Friday, October 23, 2009

How To Change Ringtones on your LG altel phone

These instructions are for those who already know about the LG phone ,How to change ringtone.

1) You will need flip your phone open, press the MY MENU button on the left side of the phone screen.

2) Then you scroll up to you see MY MEDIA ,press OK

3) Next, you will choose option number 2 AUDIO, press OK again

4) The phone has default ,downloaded and recorded voice options so you will need to figure out where you song is that you want to use for your ringtone ,If you downloaded it from a website or via bluetooth you will need to hit option number 2, Then pres OK

5) A list will come up with the songs that are in your phone that you have already downloaded at the bottom of the screen you will hit options once you have found the song you want to use, Then you will hit the SET AS button and set as your ringtone .l

These Instructions are for those who has never operated the new LG phone:
How to change your ringtone.

1) You will need to make sure your battery is fully charged before unplugging it to work with it.
2) You will need to flip open your phone, press the middle button labeled MENU/Ok button

3) Here you will find your menu for everything your phone does. scroll over to MY MEDIA press ok

4) Here you will see IMAGES, AUDIO, and SHUFFLE , Go to Audio and pess OK again

5) Now you will see DEFAULT, DOWNLOADED ,and RECORDED VOICE, You will want to use Default since this is your first time and you probably have no ringtones set to your phone yet.

6) Press OK on DEFAULT , Here you will have a complete list of song that came with your LG phone to listen to them and decide witch one you want to use just hit the play button on the bottom of screen it is actually the OK button

7) Once you have found a song you want to set as your ringtone you will need to go to the song hit the OPTIONS button , Here you will see SET AS and INFORMATION , YOu will need to hit Set AS then a list will pop up and ask you to set it as Contacts, All CAlls, Caller ID ,or NO CALLER ID choose where you want to set it and press ok. You are now finished setting your ringtone for the calls you have choosen

8) Once you have set up those ringtones to a certain caller list you can now go set up a different ringtone for the other caller list ,If you choose to do this follow the instructions again but this time use the one you did not use last time.

Ok I did this and I will tell you that it was easier to explain how to do this to someone who already knows how to do somethings with a phone.. I guess this is why some people get aggravated when they have to keep repeating theirself to an employee who has already been told what to do, And if you have been told how to do something you should do it that away because it will set an example if there is someone new to the company,and make your life a little easier to deal with the stress of forgetting to do it right the first time ,exspecially when you were told what and how they want things done from the beginning.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Hong Kong has traditinal chinese values,they are fast paced business people. They believe that managers have been choosen because they have more experience and knowledge ,so they think it is inappropriate for a manager to consult with them or anyone who is at a lower rank.
It is rude to challenge anyone of a higher power . They are very serious about deadlines and schedules.
You can not become over friendly with your co-workers
You give a name card to everyone who gives you one first,
they must like you and feel comfortable doing business with you.

If someone sucks air through their teeth that means they are unhappy with what you have just said.
You must be on time with an appointment or they will look down upon you

Well I know I will never want to go to their country because no one is better then anyone in my book weather it be at work or at school or at home

Thursday, October 8, 2009

team development 2.3

This is my bog about the last conflict I was in with a classmate in school.
I started Daymar with another student named Bridgette Fox , her and her boyfriend lived with me of about 3 months. The day of mid-terms she decided to quit and move out and did not tell me til 7:30 and school started at 8:00 . So I went to my brothers house where my mom had been staying for a few weeks and I asked her to come to my house and stay until I get home from school ,so she did and bridgette and her boyfriend was mad because they couldn't steal from me now,. I went to school crying the whole way then after I got there I was so upset still the teachers made me go home and fix things there. So I did and by the time I got back bridgette was gone with her stuff, I went to my boyfreinds house and low and behold they were there, I was mad if he only knew what she had done to me two hours ago,anyhow I got out of the car and went up to her and told her if she could do that to me on a day of mid-terms she needed to leave now and not hang out at my boyfriends house.So she left but not without telling me she was mad and would never talk to me again.... So I am not to sad because if she cared at all she would have told me the day before we started back to school or even after we took our exams. I think it is for the best that this happened and I am still on my way of achieving my goals, while she is running from the law because her boyfriend jay is wanted for not paying child

team development 2.3

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ethical Choices

Today, I am going to just say it is a very mean world. Its nice to have a place to just write it down. I am going to start this blog discussing the importance of Ethical choices. First you have to know what ethical means to know what choices you have avalible to you. Ethical means the right way to do things as far as life ,work and even social events. It is nothing more then how you precieve yourself and how others view you also. I mean you have to think as an adult not a child, you must represent yourself as you would want others to view you, If you think this is a judge free world ....think again ,Everyone is judged in everyway. The biggest thing to say is work on it by .........increasing your quailty, becoming more efficient, improve responsiveness, be more innovatived. This will help your life become less stressed and you will become able to see what I mean when I say this is a mean world but we must start within ourself first ..Once we become a better person we can start to reflect it on to others. Then we have the tricle down effect.